Module Batteries_uni.File

module File: BatFile


val lines_of : string -> string BatEnum.t
line_of name reads the contents of file name as an enumeration of lines. The file is automatically closed once the last line has been reached or the enumeration is closed or garbage-collected.
val write_lines : string -> string BatEnum.t -> unit
write_lines name lines writes strings given by lines to file name with newline character appended to each line.
val size_of : string -> int
size_of name returns the size of file name in bytes.
val size_of_big : string -> Int64.t
size_of_big name returns the size of file name in bytes, as a 64-bit integer.

This function is provided as the size of a file larger than 1 Gb cannot be represented with an int on a 32-bit machine.

File permissions

File permissions are used when creating a file to allow controlling which users may read, write or open that file. To use a permission, create a value of type BatFile.permission and pass it as argument to BatFile.open_in, BatFile.open_out, BatFile.with_file_in or BatFile.with_file_out.

type permission 
The list of operations which are permitted on a file.
val default_permission : permission
Default permissions.
val user_read : permission
Give the current user permission to read the file. Ignored under Windows.
val user_write : permission
Give the current user permission to write the file
val user_exec : permission
Give the current user permission to execute the file. Ignored under Windows.
val group_read : permission
Give the permission to read the file to the group containing the user. Ignored under Windows.
val group_write : permission
Give the permission to write the file to the group containing the user. Ignored under Windows.
val group_exec : permission
Give the permission to execute the file to the group containing the user. Ignored under Windows.
val other_read : permission
Give the permission to read the file to the rest of the world. Ignored under Windows.
val other_write : permission
Give the permission to modify the file to the rest of the world. Ignored under Windows.
val other_exec : permission
Give the permission to execute the file to the rest of the world. Ignored under Windows.
val perm : permission list -> permission
Join permissions
val unix_perm : int -> permission
Create a permission from a Unix-style octal integer. See your favorite Unix documentation on chmod for more details.
val set_permissions : string -> permission -> unit
Set the permissions on a file.
val chmod : string -> permission -> unit
As BatFile.set_permissions

Opening a file for reading

type open_in_flag = [ `create | `excl | `mmap | `nonblock | `text ] 
val open_in : ?mode:open_in_flag list ->
?perm:permission -> string -> BatInnerIO.input
open_in file_name opens the file named file_name for reading.

Note You will need to close the file manually. An alternative is to call with_file_in instead of open_in.

Naming conventions for files are platform-dependent.

val with_file_in : ?mode:open_in_flag list ->
?perm:permission -> string -> (BatInnerIO.input -> 'a) -> 'a
with_file_in file_name f opens the file named file_name for reading, invokes f to process the contents of that file then, once f has returned or triggered an exception, closes the file before proceeding.

Opening a file for writing

type open_out_flag = [ `append | `create | `excl | `nonblock | `text | `trunc ] 
Flags governing file output; they correspond to the relevant flags to the POSIX open() call. The default flags are [`create; `trunc].
val open_out : ?mode:open_out_flag list ->
?perm:permission -> string -> unit BatInnerIO.output
open_out file_name opens the file named file_name for writing.

Note You will need to close the file manually. An alternative is to call with_file_out instead of open_out.

Naming conventions for files are platform-dependent.

val with_file_out : ?mode:open_out_flag list ->
?perm:permission -> string -> (unit BatInnerIO.output -> 'a) -> 'a
with_file_out file_name f opens the file named file_name for writing, invokes f to write onto that file then, once f has returned or triggered an exception, closes the file before proceeding.

Opening a temporary file for writing

type open_temporary_out_flag = [ `append | `create | `delete_on_exit | `excl | `nonblock | `text | `trunc ] 
val open_temporary_out : ?mode:open_temporary_out_flag list ->
?perm:permission ->
?prefix:string -> ?suffix:string -> unit -> unit BatInnerIO.output * string
open_temporary_out () opens a new temporary file for writing.
Returns The name of the file and the output for writing in it.

Note You will need to close the file manually. An alternative is to call with_temporary_out instead of open_out.

Naming conventions for files are platform-dependent.

prefix : a string which should appear at the start of your temporary file name (by default "ocaml")
suffix : a string which should appear at the end of your temporary file name (by default "tmp")
val with_temporary_out : ?mode:open_temporary_out_flag list ->
?perm:permission ->
?prefix:string ->
?suffix:string -> (unit BatInnerIO.output -> string -> 'a) -> 'a
with_temporary_out f opens a new temporary file for writing, invokes f with to write onto that file then, once f has returned or triggered an exception, closes the file before proceeding.
Returns The name of the file and the output for writing in it.

Naming conventions for files are platform-dependent.

prefix : a string which should appear at the start of your temporary file name (by default "ocaml")
suffix : a string which should appear at the end of your temporary file name (by default "tmp")