Module BatFloat

module BatFloat: sig .. end
Operations on floating-point numbers.

Caml's floating-point numbers follow the IEEE 754 standard, using double precision (64 bits) numbers. Floating-point operations never raise an exception on overflow, underflow, division by zero, etc. Instead, special IEEE numbers are returned as appropriate, such as infinity for 1.0 /. 0.0, neg_infinity for -1.0 /. 0.0, and nan (``not a number'') for 0.0 /. 0.0. These special numbers then propagate through floating-point computations as expected: for instance, 1.0 /. infinity is 0.0, and any operation with nan as argument returns nan as result.

For more precision, see The Wikipedia entry on standard IEEE 754.
Author(s): Gabriel Scherer, David Teller, Edgar Friendly

type t = float 
The type of floating-point numbers.

Floating-point numbers are the default representation of real numbers by OCaml.

Usual operations

val zero : float
Floating number zero. This is the same thing as 0.
val one : float
Floating number one. This is the same thing as 1.
val neg : float -> float
val succ : float -> float
Add 1. to a floating number. Note that, as per IEEE 754, if x is a large enough float number, succ x might be equal to x, due to rounding.
val pred : float -> float
Substract 1. from a floating number. Note that, as per IEEE 754, if x is a large enough float number, pred x might be equal to x, due to rounding.
val abs : float -> float
The absolute value of a floating point number.
val add : float -> float -> float
val sub : float -> float -> float
val mul : float -> float -> float
val div : float -> float -> float
val modulo : float -> float -> float
val pow : float -> float -> float
val min_num : float
val max_num : float
val compare : 'a -> 'a -> int
val of_int : int -> float
val to_int : float -> int
val of_float : float -> float
val to_float : float -> float
val of_string : string -> float
val to_string : float -> string
val (+) : t -> t -> t
val (-) : t -> t -> t
val ( * ) : t -> t -> t
val (/) : t -> t -> t
val ( ** ) : t -> t -> t
val (<>) : t -> t -> bool
val (>=) : t -> t -> bool
val (<=) : t -> t -> bool
val (>) : t -> t -> bool
val (<) : t -> t -> bool
val (=) : t -> t -> bool
val operations : t BatNumber.numeric

Operations specific to floating-point numbers

val exp : float -> float
val log : float -> float
Natural logarithm.
val log10 : float -> float
Base 10 logarithm.
val cos : float -> float
See BatFloat.atan2.
val sin : float -> float
See BatFloat.atan2.
val tan : float -> float
See BatFloat.atan2.
val acos : float -> float
See BatFloat.atan2.
val asin : float -> float
See BatFloat.atan2.
val atan : float -> float
See BatFloat.atan2.
val atan2 : float -> float -> float
The usual trigonometric functions.
val cosh : float -> float
See BatFloat.tanh.
val sinh : float -> float
See BatFloat.tanh.
val tanh : float -> float
The usual hyperbolic trigonometric functions.
val ceil : float -> float
See BatFloat.floor.
val floor : float -> float
Round the given float to an integer value. floor f returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to f. ceil f returns the least integer value greater than or equal to f.
val infinity : float
Positive infinity.
val neg_infinity : float
Negative infinity.
val nan : float
A special floating-point value denoting the result of an undefined operation such as 0.0 /. 0.0. Stands for ``not a number''. Any floating-point operation with nan as argument returns nan as result. As for floating-point comparisons, =, <, <=, > and >= return false and <> returns true if one or both of their arguments is nan.
val is_nan : float -> bool
is_nan f returns true if f is nan, false otherwise.
val epsilon : float
The smallest positive float x such that 1.0 +. x <> 1.0.
val pi : float
The constant pi (3.14159...)

Operations on the internal representation of floating-point numbers

val frexp : float -> float * int
frexp f returns the pair of the significant and the exponent of f. When f is zero, the significant x and the exponent n of f are equal to zero. When f is non-zero, they are defined by f = x *. 2 ** n and 0.5 <= x < 1.0.
val ldexp : float -> int -> float
ldexp x n returns x *. 2 ** n.
val modf : float -> float * float
modf f returns the pair of the fractional and integral part of f.
type fpkind = Pervasives.fpclass = 
| FP_normal (*Normal number, none of the below*)
| FP_subnormal (*Number very close to 0.0, has reduced precision*)
| FP_zero (*Number is 0.0 or -0.0*)
| FP_infinite (*Number is positive or negative infinity*)
| FP_nan (*Not a number: result of an undefined operation*)
Classes of floating point numbers

The five classes of floating-point numbers, as determined by the BatFloat.classify function.

val classify : float -> fpkind
Return the class of the given floating-point number: normal, subnormal, zero, infinite, or not a number.

Boilerplate code

val print : 'a BatInnerIO.output -> t -> unit

val t_printer : t BatValue_printer.t
module Safe_float: sig .. end
Operations on floating-point numbers, with exceptions raised in case of error.