Module BatStack

module BatStack: sig .. end
Last-in first-out stacks.

This module implements stacks (LIFOs), with in-place modification.

This module extends Stdlib's Stack module, go there for documentation on the rest of the functions and types.
Author(s): Xavier Leroy (Base module), David Teller

include BatEnum.Enumerable
val enum : 'a Stack.t -> 'a BatEnum.t
enum s returns a destructive enumeration of the elements of stack s, from the most recently entered to the least recently entered. Reading the enumeration will progressively empty s.
val of_enum : 'a BatEnum.t -> 'a Stack.t
of_enum e returns a new stack containing all the elements of e. This is equivalent to calling push with the first element of the enumeration, then with the second, etc.

Boilerplate code


val print : ?first:string ->
?last:string ->
?sep:string ->
('a BatInnerIO.output -> 'b -> unit) ->
'a BatInnerIO.output -> 'b Stack.t -> unit