Module Batteries_help

module Batteries_help: sig .. end
Tools for reading the documentation from the toplevel

All these tools are invoked automatically by the Batteries Toplevel. They are provided here if you wish to integrate them into your own toplevel.
Author(s): David Teller

type kinds =
| Values
| Types
| Topics
| Modules
| Exns
| Modtypes
| Classes
| Methods
| Attributes
| Objtypes
val init : unit -> unit
Proceed to initialization.

This function loads the primary help files and registers the toplevel directives.

If you integrate the on-line help system into your toplevel, you must call this function before any of the other functions of this module.

val help : unit -> unit
help () opens the tutorial.
val man : string -> unit
man "something" opens the help about subject "something".