Module BatBuffer

module BatBuffer: sig .. end
Extensible string buffers.

This module implements string buffers that automatically expand as necessary. It provides accumulative concatenation of strings in quasi-linear time (instead of quadratic time when strings are concatenated pairwise).

This module extends Stdlib's Buffer module, go there for documentation on the rest of the functions and types.
Author(s): Pierre Weis (Base module), Xavier Leroy (Base module), David Teller, Dawid Toton

val enum : Buffer.t -> char BatEnum.t
Returns an enumeration of the characters of a buffer.

Contents of the enumeration is unspecified if the buffer is modified after the enumeration is returned.

val of_enum : char BatEnum.t -> Buffer.t
Creates a buffer from a character enumeration.
val blit : Buffer.t -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
Buffer.blit b srcoff dst dstoff len copies len characters from the current contents of the buffer b starting at offset off, starting at character number srcoff, to string dst, starting at character number dstoff.
Raises Invalid_argument if srcoff and len do not designate a valid substring of the buffer, or if dstoff and len do not designate a valid substring of dst.
val add_input : Buffer.t -> BatInnerIO.input -> int -> unit
add_input b ic n reads exactly n character from the input ic and stores them at the end of buffer b. Raise End_of_file if the channel contains fewer than n characters.
val add_channel : Buffer.t -> BatInnerIO.input -> int -> unit
val output_buffer : 'a BatInnerIO.output -> Buffer.t -> unit
output_buffer oc b writes the current contents of buffer b on the output channel oc.

Boilerplate code


val print : 'a BatInnerIO.output -> Buffer.t -> unit