Module BatChar

module BatChar: sig .. end
Operations on characters.

Characters range upon Latin-1 encoding, i.e. languages used in Western Europe and North America. For international characters, another, richer, module is provided: UChar.

This module extends Stdlib's Char module, go there for documentation on the rest of the functions and types.
Author(s): Xavier Leroy (base module), David Teller

val is_whitespace : char -> bool
Determine if a character is a whitespace. Whitespace characters are defined as ' ', '\010', '\013', '\009', '\026' and '\012'.
val is_uppercase : char -> bool
Determine if a character is uppercase ASCII. A character is uppercase ASCII if it is between 'A' and 'Z'
val is_lowercase : char -> bool
Determine if a character is lowercase ASCII. A character is lowercase ASCII if it is between 'a' and 'z'
val is_uppercase_latin1 : char -> bool
Determine if a character is uppercase Latin 1. A character is uppercase ASCII if it is between 'A' and 'Z', between 'À' and 'Ö' or between 'Ø' and 'Ý'
val is_lowercase_latin1 : char -> bool
Determine if a character is lowercase Latin 1. A character is lowercase ASCII if it is between 'a' and 'z', between 'Þ' and 'ö' or between 'ø' and 'ÿ'
val is_latin1 : char -> bool
Determine if a character is a Latin 1 letter. A character is a Latin 1 letter if it is either an uppercase or a lowercase Latin 1 character.
val is_digit : char -> bool
Determine if a character represents a digit. Digits are '0', '1', ... '9'.
val is_symbol : char -> bool
Determine if a character represents a (OCaml-style) symbol. Symbols are '!', '%', '&', '$', '#', '+', '-', '/', ':', '<', '=' '>', '?', '@', '\\', '~', '^', '|', '*'
val is_letter : char -> bool
Determine if a character represents a ASCII letter.
val is_newline : char -> bool
Determine if a character is a newline. Newline characters are defined as '\010' and '\013'
val of_digit : int -> char
Return the character representing a given digit. Raise Invalid_argument "Char.of_digit" if the argument is outside the range 0--9
val enum : unit -> char BatEnum.t
Produce the enumeration of all characters
val range : ?until:char -> char -> char BatEnum.t
val (--) : char -> char -> char BatEnum.t
Produce the enumeration of a segment of characters.

'a' -- 'z' is the enumeration of all characters between 'a' and 'z' included.

Boilerplate code


val print : 'a BatInnerIO.output -> Char.t -> unit