Index of types

b_idx [BatUTF8.Byte]
buf [BatUTF8.Buf]
Buffers for UTF-8 strings.

c_layout [BatBigarray]
See Bigarray.fortran_layout.
category [BatUChar]
char_idx [BatUTF8]
Positions in the string as indexes by characters.
closure [BatOo.Oo.Internal]
Internal representation of a method.
command [BatArg]
The type describing both the name, documentation and behavior associated with a keyword.
complex32_elt [BatBigarray]
complex64_elt [BatBigarray]
components [BatPathGen.PathType]
A path can be represented by the following triple: (Path.parent path, Path.name_core path, Path.ext path)

decoding_table [BatBase64]
A decoding table maps chars 0..255 to the corresponding 0..63 value or -1 if the char is not accepted.
directive [BatPrint]
The underlying type of a directive.

elt [BatSet.S]
The type of the set elements.
elt [BatISet]
encoding [BatCharEncodings]
The list if known encodings.
encoding_table [BatBase64]
An encoding table maps integers 0..63 to the corresponding char.
enumerable [BatEnum.Enumerable]
The data structure, e.g.
event [BatLogger]
A log event consists of an event name and a list of key-value parameters (an association list).

float32_elt [BatBigarray]
float64_elt [BatBigarray]
formatter [BatLogger]
the type of a log formatter is a function that takes the logger, the level of the log statement (which will be the currently enabled level or one of its successors), the event record, and a unix timestamp indicating the time the event was created.
fortran_layout [BatBigarray]
To facilitate interoperability with existing C and Fortran code, this library supports two different memory layouts for big arrays, one compatible with the C conventions, the other compatible with the Fortran conventions.
fpkind [BatFloat.Safe_float]
Classes of floating point numbers
fpkind [BatFloat]
Classes of floating point numbers

group [BatOptParse.OptParser]
The type of an option group.

impl [BatOo.Oo.Internal]
in_bits [BatIO]
index [BatUTF8]
init_table [BatOo.Oo.Internal]
input [BatInnerIO]
input [BatIO]
The abstract input type.
int16_signed_elt [BatBigarray]
int16_unsigned_elt [BatBigarray]
int32_elt [BatBigarray]
int64_elt [BatBigarray]
int8_signed_elt [BatBigarray]
int8_unsigned_elt [BatBigarray]
int_elt [BatBigarray]

key [BatMap.S]
The type of the map keys.
key [BatIMap]
key [BatHashtbl.S]
kind [BatBigarray]
To each element kind is associated a Caml type, which is the type of Caml values that can be stored in the big array or read back from it.

label [BatOo.Oo.Internal]
layout [BatBigarray]
The type 'a layout represents one of the two supported memory layouts: C-style if 'a is Bigarray.c_layout, Fortran-style if 'a is Bigarray.fortran_layout.
level [BatLogger]
lock [BatConcurrent]
The light-weight type of a lock, i.e.
log [BatLogger]

m [BatOption.Monad]
The type of values in this monad : option
m [BatMonad.S]
The type of a monad producing values of type 'a.
m [BatEnum.Monad]
The type of the BatEnum monad's elements, thus BatEnum.t.
m [BatEnum.WithMonad]
Type of the monadic elements.
mappable [BatInterfaces.Mappable]
The data structure, e.g.
meth [BatOo.Oo.Internal]

nativeint_elt [BatBigarray]
node [BatSeq]
node_t [BatLazyList]
node_t [BatDllist]
num [BatNum]
The type of numbers.
numeric [BatNumber]
The smallest set of operations supported by every set of numbers.

obj [BatOo.Oo.Internal]
Internal representation of an object.
open_in_flag [BatFile]
open_out_flag [BatFile]
Flags governing file output; they correspond to the relevant flags to the POSIX open() call.
open_temporary_out_flag [BatFile]
out_bits [BatIO]
output [BatInnerIO]
output [BatIO]
The abstract output type, 'a is the accumulator data, it is returned when the close_out function is called.

params [BatOo.Oo.Internal]
currently disabled
permission [BatFile]
The list of operations which are permitted on a file.
position [BatUCharParser]
The position inside one file or one stream.
position [BatCharParser]
The position inside one file or one stream.

report [BatParserCo]
resizer_t [BatDynArray]
The type of a resizer function.
result [BatStd]
result [BatPervasives]

scanbuf [BatScanf.Scanning]
The type of scanning buffers.
scanner [BatScanf]
The type of formatted input scanners: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) scanner is the type of a formatted input function that reads from some scanning buffer according to some format string; more precisely, if scan is some formatted input function, then scan ib fmt f applies f to the arguments specified by the format string fmt, when scan has read those arguments from the scanning input buffer ib.
script [BatUChar]
state [BatParserCo]
The current state of the parser.
stats [BatOo.Oo.Internal]

t [BatVect.Make]
The type of a polymorphic vect.
t [BatVect]
The type of a polymorphic vect.
t [BatValue_printer]
Type of a value-printer, the boolean argument indicates whether composed expression must be parenthesized.
t [BatUnit]
The unit type, i.e.
t [BatUTF8]
UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings.
t [BatSubstring]
Substring.t is the type of substrings of a basestring, an efficient representation of a piece of a string.
t [BatSet.S]
The type of sets.
t [BatSet]
The type of sets.
t [BatSeq]
A sequence is a computation which returns a list-like node
t [BatRope]
The type of the ropes.
t [BatReturn]
A label which may be used to return values of type 'a
t [BatResult]
The type of a result
t [BatRefList]
The type of an empty ref list
t [BatRef]
The type of references.
t [BatRandom.State]
The type of PRNG states.
t [BatRMutex]
The type of mutexes.
t [BatPrintf]
The format to use for displaying the various arguments passed to the function.
t [BatPathGen.StringType]
Type for strings.
t [BatPathGen.PathType]
A type for storing paths.
t [BatParserCo.Source]
A source of elements of type 'a, with a user-defined state of type 'b
t [BatParserCo]
A parser for elements of type 'a, producing elements of type 'b, with user-defined states of type 'c.
t [BatPair]
t [BatPSet]
The type of sets.
t [BatPMap]
t [BatOption]
t [BatOptParse.OptParser]
The type of an option parser.
t [BatOptParse.Formatter]
t [BatOptParse.Opt]
Option type.
t [BatOo.Oo.Internal]
t [BatNumber.Discrete]
t [BatNumber.Bounded]
t [BatNumber.Numeric]
t [BatNum]
t [BatNativeint]
An alias for the type of native integers.
t [BatMutex.Mutex]
The type of mutexes.
t [BatMultiPMap]
t [BatMap.S]
The type of maps from type key to type 'a.
t [BatMap]
t [BatList]
List operations.
t [BatLazyList]
The type of a lazy list.
t [BatInterfaces.OrderedType]
t [BatInt64]
t [BatInt32]
t [BatInt.Safe_int]
An alias for the type of integers.
t [BatInt]
An alias for the type of integers.
t [BatInnerWeaktbl]
The type of hash tables from type 'a to type 'b.
t [BatInnerIO.Printf]
The format to use for displaying the various arguments passed to the function.
t [BatInnerIO.Output]
t [BatInnerIO.Input]
t [BatISet]
t [BatIMap]
t [BatHashtbl.HashedType]
The type of the hashtable keys.
t [BatHashtbl.Cap]
The type of a hashtable.
t [BatHashtbl.S]
t [BatHashtbl]
A Hashtable wth keys of type 'a and values 'b
t [BatGlobal]
Abstract type of a global
t [BatGenlex]
A lexer
t [BatFloat.Safe_float]
The type of floating-point numbers.
t [BatFloat]
The type of floating-point numbers.
t [BatEnum]
t [BatDynArray]
t [BatDllist]
t [BatConcurrent.BaseLock]
The type of a lock.
t [BatConcurrent.Lock]
The type of a lock.
t [BatCharEncodings]
The type of items of type 'a, encoded using encoding 'b.
t [BatBool]
The type of booleans.
t [BatBitSet]
t [BatBigarray.Array3]
The type of three-dimensional big arrays whose elements have Caml type 'a, representation kind 'b, and memory layout 'c.
t [BatBigarray.Array2]
The type of two-dimensional big arrays whose elements have Caml type 'a, representation kind 'b, and memory layout 'c.
t [BatBigarray.Array1]
The type of one-dimensional big arrays whose elements have Caml type 'a, representation kind 'b, and memory layout 'c.
t [BatBigarray.Genarray]
The type Genarray.t is the type of big arrays with variable numbers of dimensions.
t [BatBig_int]
t [BatArray]
The type of arrays.
table [BatOo.Oo.Internal]
Internal representation of the vtable, i.e.
tables [BatOo.Oo.Internal]
tag [BatOo.Oo.Internal]
tchar [BatPathGen.StringType]
Character type used by t.
tree [BatAvlTree]

uchar [BatPathGen.PathType]
Type of characters.
ustring [BatPathGen.PathType]
Type of strings used.

validator [BatPathGen.PathType]
Validators should check if all characters of given string can be used in a name (path component).